Zero VPN has a global network that spans multiple countries in order to provide server maintenance and performance that is high in quality. The creators of Zero VPN promise that the free license will never expire, assuring you that you can use their product for free and never have to worry about an impending free trial. Your real IP address will be encrypted, along with all other network traffic. Because of the extra care put into assuring security and anonymous usage, you can use Zero VPN for PC to connect to wi-fi hotspots and not worry about anyone stealing or seeing your personal info or other sensitive data. This includes famous websites such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Skype, Instagram and many more. This was originally designed to unblock Android games on web stores and app stores but it now includes websites, multimedia content, etc. Zero VPN for PC or for Android devices helps to unblock content that is normally restricted in your region. You also do not need to register or give an email address or other personal information which helps sustain the anonymity appeal this app has for many users. It is completely free to use which means no payment information will be sent when downloaded such as receipts or invoices.

This makes the emulated version of Zero VPN very desirable because internet browsing is much easier and convenient on PCs even though smartphones do offer the portability aspect. It can be used to unblock games, videos or websites on Android devices, but if Zero VPN for PC is acquired, the same can be done on your desktop or laptop computer. Its main purpose is to unblock content that is inaccessible due to region restrictions or other such censoring tactics. Zero VPN is an application designed for Android devices created by a company based in Hong Kong. However, we do earn profit from our affiliate links. At our site, you’ll only find unbiased reviews.